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French Bulldog Colors

Frenchies & Their Colors

Did you know that only 9 French Bulldog colors and 5 coat markings are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC)?

These 9 colors aren’t the only colors you’ll find Frenchies with, though!

There’s more than meets the eye…

Not all Frenchie colors are created equally! The genetics behind some colors are linked to different health issues… and other colors are just rarer & more expensive.

Some colors have health issues

Colors such as white and merle have much higher rates of deafness compared to other colors!

Possible health issues linked to coat colors include…

  • Allergies
  • Deafness
  • Blindness
  • Joint issues
  • Eye anomalies
  • Increased fetal mortality rates

Some colors are rarer than others

Frenchies come in a whole bunch of colors— and you bet that the “rare” and “exotic” colors such as blue, merle, lilac, and chocolate are going to cost more than your average Frenchie.

The average Frenchie costs anywhere from $2,000–$3,000… these rare colors can cost 2-3x as much!

From standard colors such as fawn & brindle to rarer colors such as blue, merle, and Fluffy Frenchies and patterns such as the “black mask” and “piebald”, there’s one thing for sure: every Frenchie is unique.

Table of Contents

What colors do French Bulldogs come in?

Frenchies come in a whole bunch of colors… but only 9 of them are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

French Bulldog Color Price Chart

Not only do Frenchies come in different shapes and sizes— but they also vary in price quite a bit.

The rarer the color, the more expensive it’ll be.

ColorPriceRecognized by the AKC?
Brindle & White$4,000Yes
Fawn & White$5,000Yes
Fawn Brindle & White$5,000Yes
White & Brindle$5,000Yes
White & Fawn$5,000Yes
Blue Fawn$6,500No
Fawn Brindle$4,500No
Grey & White$5,000No

Every French Bulldog Color Explained

Just want to know more about a specific Frenchie coloring? Click a link below to jump to a specific color.

  1. Fawn
  2. Fawn & White
  3. Cream
  4. Brindle
  5. Brindle & White
  6. Black
  7. White
  8. Blue
  9. Blue Fawn
  10. Merle
  11. Chocolate

1. Fawn Frenchies

Fawn is a lightish tan color that gets its name from the color of baby deer (fawns).

Their color looks pretty similar to that of a deer.

Some people call them “Blonde Frenchies” or “Beige Frenchies” as their hair looks pretty blonde… but fawn is the correct terminology.

Fawn Frenchies vary in color

Fawn Frenchies can come in many different shades of fawn, which can range from a pale tan to a darker deer-red.

Their coats may also have subtle variations, such as white patches or black masks.

AKC Recognized

Fawn is officially recognized as a French Bulldog color by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

This means that Fawn Frenchies can participate in AKC shows and events & register with the AKC, as long as they meet the French Bulldog Breed Standard and other requirements.

What Fawn Frenchies look like

A Fawn French Bulldog sleeping on the floor
A Fawn French Bulldog

2. Fawn & White Frenchies

Everything above applies, but there are patches of white fur throughout their coat…

  • The Fawn part of their coat varies in shade from pale-tan to deer-red
  • They can have just a little bit of white in their coat or lots of it

AKC Recognized

Fawn & White is one of the colors officially recognized by the AKC.

This also means that Fawn & White Frenchies can participate in AKC shows and as well as register with the AKC.

What Fawn & White Frenchies look like

A Fawn and White French Bulldog
A Black Masked Fawn & White French Bulldog

3. Cream Frenchies

Cream Frenchies have a coat color that is pale or light-colored, which is often described as a shade of off-white or ivory.

Cream Frenchies are kinda like a mix between fawn & white.

They commonly have a ”Black Mask” pattern which is characterized by the presence of black fur on the muzzle, which extends up to the eyes, ears, and sometimes the forehead.

The Black Mask pattern gives the impression that the dog is wearing a mask, which is why it is called a black mask.

AKC Recognized

The Cream color is also recognized as an official French Bulldog color by the AKC.

Along with the other AKC colors, Cream Frenchies would also be able to participate in AKC shows given they meet the rest of the Breed Standard.

What Cream Frenchies look like

A Cream French Bulldog

4. Brindle Frenchies

Brindle is such a cute color… it’s a mix of black, brown, tan, and/or gold. It’s also one of the more common colors.

It’s also called the ”tiger stripe” pattern because of its similarities to a tiger’s coat.

Don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself!

AKC Recognized

The Brindle coat pattern is recognized by the AKC as one of the standard colors for the breed.

What Brindle Frenchies look like

A Brindle French Bulldog
A Brindle French Bulldog

5. Brindle & White Frenchies

Just like a Brindle Frenchie but with some white fur!

The white patches vary in size and shape, and they can be solid or have brindle spots on them.

Usually, the white patches are on their chests, however, they can be present anywhere on their coat… their head, back, paws, chest, tail, etc.

AKC Recognized

Just like a pure Brindle Frenchie, the Brindle & White coat pattern is also recognized by the AKC as one of the official colors for the breed.

What Brindle & White Frenchies look like

A Brindle and White French Bulldog
A Brindle & White Frenchie

6. Black Frenchies

Well, this one is pretty self-explanatory…

Or is it?

Black Frenchies can come in a variety of different patterns– some look like they have a “tuxedo”, and others have white paws. Not all black Frenchies look the same!]

The black coat color is caused by a high concentration of the dark pigment melanin, which gives the coat a deep, rich black color.

Not AKC Recognized

Black might be a pretty common color, but it’s actually not one of the officially recognized French Bulldog colors.

While the black coat color is not recognized by the AKC, it is still a desirable and popular color for many French Bulldog lovers.

What Black Frenchies look like

A Black French Bulldog outside panting
A Black French Bulldog

7. White/Platinum Frenchies

White/Platinum Frenchies have a coat color that is entirely white due to a lack of pigment in the coat, which makes it appear pure white.

While you might think white Frenchies are obvious, sometimes people get them mixed up with cream Frenchies because they’re so similar in colors.

Some people also refer to an all-white Frenchie as a “Platinum Frenchie”

AKC Recognized

The white/platinum coat color is recognized by the AKC as one of the standard Frenchie colors, so it would be eligible to participate in AKC shows given it meets the rest of the Breed Standard

What White Frenchies look like

A White French Bulldog sleeping on the beach
A White French Bulldog

The Role of Color in Hearing

You may be wondering how the color of the coat could affect hearing.

A lack of pigment cells

The reason for this is that these genes are associated with a lack of pigment cells which give the appearance of their coats.

This affects the small hairs in the ear

There are small hairs in the inner ear that are called cilia, and when there is an extreme lack of pigment cells, the cilia may not develop properly, resulting in deafness.

Hearing tests can rule out deafness

If you are interested in a predominantly white French Bulldog or are just concerned about the possibility of your new puppy being deaf, be sure to ask your breeder about performing a BAER test.

8. Blue Frenchies

This one always confused me at first… Blue Frenchies are not actually blue!

They have a coat color that is often described as a light grey or silver-blue color, rather than a true blue color.

The color is a result of a dilution gene that affects the black pigment in the coat, resulting in a lighter color.

Blue Frenchies can vary in shade, ranging from a pale grey color to a darker shade of blue-grey.

Not AKC recognized

While the Blue color is not recognized by the AKC, it is still a popular and sought-after color.

It is considered one of the “rare” Frenchie colors and usually costs more than your average Frenchie.

What Blue Frenchies look like

A Blue French Bulldog with a White Chest
A Blue French Bulldog Puppy

When someone is talking about a “Grey Frenchie”, they probably are referring to a Blue Frenchie

Blue Frenchie Health Problems

Blue Frenchies are prone to Color Dilution Alopecia, which is a recessive genetic disorder that causes patches of hair to thin and/or hair loss.

While there is testing available for Color Dilution Alopecia, there is no cure.

9. Blue Fawn Frenchies

My Frenchie is a Blue Fawn… the mix of Blue & Fawn comes out to look like a lightish grey & fawn color.

The Blue color comes from a dilution gene that affects the black pigment in the coat, while the Fawn color is a result of a Tan or Cream base color.

Not AKC recognized

Just like a Blue Frenchie, Blue Fawns are not recognized by the AKC.

Still, they have a unique & striking appearance that makes them highly sought after by many Frenchie lovers.

A picture can explain better than I can… just look at my Blue Fawn Frenchie!

What Blue Fawn Frenchies look like

A Blue Fawn Frenchie playing tug of war
A Blue Fawn Frenchie

10. Merle Frenchies

Merle Frenchies have a coat color that is characterized by a marbled or dappled pattern.

Unfortunately, Merle Frenchies are prone to some health issues including eye anomalies, deafness, blindness, and increased fetal mortality rates, particularly in “Double Merle” Frenchies.

Not AKC recognized

Due to these health concerns, the Merle coat color is not recognized by the AKC for French Bulldogs, and reputable breeders typically avoid breeding Merle Frenchies to ensure the health and well-being of the dogs.

Not all Merle Frenchies have these health problems, but “Double Merles” are at a much higher risk of health issues and breeding them is considered bad practice.

It’s essential to do thorough research and consult with a reputable breeder before considering getting a Merle Frenchie to ensure that the dog has been bred responsibly and has undergone appropriate health checks.

What Merle Frenchies look like

A Merle French Bulldog
A Merle Frenchie

11. Chocolate Frenchies

The brown chocolate-like Frenchie is one of the cutest colors out there (in my opinion!)…

Chocolate Frenchies have a coat color that is a rich, dark brown, resembling the color of chocolate. The chocolate color can vary in shade, ranging from a lighter, milk chocolate color to a dark, almost black chocolate hue.

The chocolate color is a result of a recessive gene that affects the black pigment in the coat, resulting in a brown color.

Not AKC recognized

It’s not officially recognized by the AKC but that doesn’t make it any less cute!

As the name implies, Chocolate is a dark-brown coat color that is quite rare to see in Frenchies.

Never seen a Chocolate Frenchie? Well now’s your chance!

What Chocolate Frenchies look like

A Chocolate French Bulldog
A Chocolate French Bulldog

Isn’t he such a cutie?

French Bulldog Coat Markings

In addition to a variety of coat colors, there are also “markings” that your Frenchie can have such as a black mask, piebald, ticked, etc.

French Bulldog Markings officially recognized by the AKC are…

  • Piebald— A coat with large areas of white, mixed with patches of any other color. The patches can be any shape or size, and may cover any part of the dog’s body.
  • Black mask— A black mask around the face that covers the muzzle and eyes. The rest of the coat can be any color.
  • Black markings— Any black patches on the coat, which may be small or large and can appear anywhere on the body.
  • White markings— Any white patches on the coat, which may be small or large and can appear anywhere on the body.
  • Brindle markings— A pattern of dark stripes on a lighter background color. The stripes can be any shade of black, brown, or gray, and may be thin or wide.

It’s worth noting that these are the only officially recognized coat markings for French Bulldogs by the AKC. However, as mentioned earlier, Frenchies can also have other markings that are not recognized by the AKC but can still be present in the breed.

Other French Bulldog Markings

You might see Frenchies with these markings, but the AKC would disqualify a Frenchie with these markings (not important unless you want your dog to compete in AKC dog shows)

  • Ticked— this marking refers to small dots or flecks of color on a white or light-colored background.
  • Spotted— this marking refers to small, evenly distributed spots of color on a white or light-colored background.
  • Tan Points— this marking refers to tan or rust-colored markings on specific areas of the body, such as the eyebrows, cheeks, legs, and under the tail.

Black Mask

A “masked” Frenchie is one that has a black snout, but the rest of their coat is another color.

This marking is super common & super cute… my Frenchie is “masked”, what about yours?

What to know about Black Masked Frenchies

  • Sometimes the ears can be black as well
  • A black mask is also known as a melanistic mask
  • It’s an official coat pattern recognized by the AKC
  • The Black Mask pattern can be present on any colored Frenchie
  • Not always black— the color of a “Black Mask” can also be brown, dark gray, or light gray-brown

What Black Masked Frenchies look like

A masked Fawn French Bulldog sitting outside next to a bike
A Frenchie with a Black Mask

Ticked Frenchies

A ticked Frenchie is one that has very small spots of one color (usually white) mixed in with its coat’s main color. This coat pattern is not officially recognized by the AKC.

What Ticked Frenchies look like

A Ticked French Bulldog
A Frenchie with a Ticked Coat Pattern

Piebald Frenchies

The piebald pattern is when there are spots of unpigmented (white) fur on top of the pigmented (colored) fur.

In this piebald Frenchie, you can see its spots of white fur on top of the black coat:

What Piebald Frenchies look like

A Piebald French Bulldog
A Piebald Frenchie

List of all French Bulldog Colors

All French Bulldog Colors: Cream; Fawn; White ; Fawn & White; Brindle; Brindle & White; Fawn Brindle; Fawn Brindle & White; Blue; Blue Fawn; Lilac; Chocolate; Grey & White; Merle; Platinum; and Fluffy.

AKC French Bulldog Colors (8 total): Cream; Fawn; White; Fawn & White; Brindle; Brindle & White; Fawn Brindle; and Fawn Brindle & White

Exotic & Rare French Bulldog Colors: Black; Blue; Blue Fawn; Lilac; Chocolate; Grey & White; Merle; Platinum; and Fluffy.

No, a “Blue Frenchie” is not actually blue— they’re more of a grey color.

Frequently Asked Questions

What French Bulldog colors are considered exotic?

You might have heard of some Frenchie colors being called “exotic”.

The truth about most of these fad colors is that they are made by breeding Frenchies with other dog breeds.

It’s sad that these breeders are after a profit without regard for the health of the breed. Unfortunately, there is a high demand for these “exotic” Frenchies, so I don’t see this practice ending anytime soon.

Fluffy Frenchies

The newest exotic Frenchie on the block is the Fluffy Frenchie.

Believe it or not, these Fluffy Frenchies are actually purebred Frenchies– the gene for fluffiness is just extremely rare.

Yes, you heard me right, some of these Frenchies (as you’re about to see) can even cost as much as $10,000 to $100,000+.

“That’s crazy!”

you might be saying, however, I promise we can explain everything.

Breeding Frenchies is a lot of work!

But, did you know the average cost to breed a French Bulldog is roughly $7000?

What makes breeding French Bulldogs (and hence Frenchie puppies) so expensive is that they require artificial insemination and c-sections to reproduce.

Their very slim hips make it very difficult, if not nearly impossible for them to reproduce naturally.

Not to mention, vet bills, high-quality foods for the puppies, and housing just add to the cost of breeding Frenchies.

There’s no other way to put it, breeding French Bulldogs is a full-time job; they require constant attention and care.

What French Bulldog Colors are Considered Rare or Exotic?

These colors are not officially recognized by the AKC.

  • Blue looks like a silver/grey color. Grey & White Frenchies are usually “Blue” Frenchies.
  • Blue Fawn This is what color my Frenchie is. It’s a lighter fawn that looks almost “silver” sometimes.
  • Blue Brindle– a mix of Blue with bits of Brindle mixed in
  • Blue Pied– Spots of unpigmented (white) fur on top of a blue coat
  • Lilac a dilute of brown
  • Platinuma lack of pigment – all-white Frenchie
  • Merle random splotches of dark pigment overlayed over a lighter shade of the same color
  • Chocolate the Brown gene (TYRP1); also called the B Locus
  • Isabella a light grey/brown color; famously seen on Weimaraners
  • Chocolate Merle– a Merle coat with a base coat of Chocolate
  • Blue Fawn Merle– a Merle coat with a base of Blue Fawn
  • Platinum Merle– a Merle coat with a base of Platinum/White

What French Bulldog colors are officially recognized by the AKC?

While Frenchies may come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns, there are only a handful that are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

The standard French Bulldog colors recognized by the AKC are: cream, fawn, white, fawn & white, brindle, white & brindle, fawn brindle, and fawn brindle & white.


Wednesday 10th of April 2024

What about black, tan & white? My French Bulldog has those colours (from black brindle mother & dark fawn & white father) and I can never find any info about or photos of similar looking dogs online, I've only ever came across two photos of Frenchies who look similar to mine🤷🏼‍♀️

Sharon OBrien

Tuesday 14th of February 2023

January 31 makes three months that I’ve had my French bulldog. Her name is Bonnie Butterball. She’s a rescue dog when I got her. She turned four years old on Halloween she came from Lancaster PA. They breed it her four times I grew up with dogs. I lost my husband in January 2017 June 2018 I lost my Shih Tzu and I said I would never get a dog again.

Well with that said my neighbor who works at a kennel and works for, a nonprofit rescue show me a picture of her and I fell in love with her. There was other people that apply to adopt her and thank God I was the lucky one to get her. She has Heartworms and the nonprofit organization, which is called out of the woods, is paying for all her medical bills while she’s going through treatment.

She never knew how to walk on a leash she was never housebroken. She was in a crate where she went to the bathroom. She ate and drank until it was time to give birth. I had a trainer how to walk on a leash house breaker watch she still may have an accident here in there. But she’s 90% better with all of it.

The saddest thing is I don’t know if they all do this or if it’s where she was if she was with another dog but when she eats and drinks her water she eats and drinks so fast that when she comes in the other room, she’ll throw it up. So I need to know is that the breed is a dog or do I need to just give her a little water at a time? Also, when she comes in the living room now and gets on my lap, I will rub her stomach and I’m hoping that helps the situation.

So if you could let me know, I would really appreciate it because I know nothing about this bread. But I’ve been reading a lot on your site and I thank you so very much for any suggestions you could give me.

Sincerely, Sharon Obrien Marlton New Jersey


Tuesday 14th of February 2023

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for sharing your heartwarming story about your rescue dog Bonnie Butterball. It's clear that you love her very much, and it's wonderful that she found a loving home with you after her difficult past.

Slow feed bowl

Regarding Bonnie's eating habits, eating too quickly is a common issue with many dogs, not just French Bulldogs. It can sometimes be caused by anxiety, stress, or simply because they are very hungry... but my Frenchie always eats fast for no good reason.

One way to help slow down her eating is to give her smaller meals more frequently throughout the day instead of one or two large meals. You can also try using a slow feeder bowl that will make it more challenging for her to eat her food quickly.

This article might be of help: Slowing Down Your French Bulldog’s Eating

Drinking too fast

My Frenchie also throws up often after drinking water too fast... It's really nothing to be concerned about but I understand it can be a bit of an annoyance.

I notice it happens when my Frenchie is running around playing and then goes to drink water... Combine their faster heart rate with being extra-thirsty and you've got a recipe to throw up lol.

You can try offering her water in smaller amounts throughout the day to see if that helps. It's also a good idea to monitor her water intake and make sure she doesn't drink too much at once... she doesn't need a huge bowl of water at

It's great to hear that Bonnie is making progress with leash walking and housebreaking with the help of a trainer. Patience and consistency are key when it comes to training dogs, and it sounds like you are doing a great job.

Thank you for reading our site and reaching out for advice. We wish you and Bonnie all the best on your journey together.

Best regards, FrenchieWiki